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Ariadna Vaimarama no Te Tuamarama

Ariadna Vaimarama no Te Tuamarama

Te Tuamarama representative in Spain.

Ori Tahiti by Joelle. Ariadna Vaimarama no Te TuamaramaAdriana began learning yoga and aerobics at the age of five from her mother, who was an instructor in both disciplines.

She naturally orientated her life around dance, yoga, and fitness education, specializing in Latin dance (FEDA).

After graduating from the Spanish Gymnastics Federation, Ariadna became a Pilates instructor, a Latin dance instructor, and also a Tahitian and Hawaiian dance instructor.

She first chose to specialize in Ori Tahiti dance instruction two years ago, which she executes diligently and successfully excels at.

Her dance school is located in Mieres, near Oviedo, in the Asturias, but she teaches Ori Tahiti in many towns across Spain including Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Vitoria, and Gijona.

It is largely in due to the hard work and determination of Ariadna Vaimarama that Ori Tahiti is becoming popular across Spain.

Contact : ladyariad [at] yahoo [dot] es

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