First Heiva in Paris
- Les Lautréats et les finaliste du Premier Heiva I Paris
First Heiva I Paris was brilliantly organised. Indeed, despite the short time given to Ken and Serena Carlter, the event went smoothly and the public didn’t notice any of the small problems. It is true that it was quite stifling in the theatre, although this can be understood as it probably wasn’t designed to host an event of such a long duration.
We had the opportunity to watch many excellent candidates, especially the double finalist Vainui Duberne, who won the first prize in two disciplines: Aparima and Solo vahine.
The experience of being one of the judges at the first Heiva of Pari, among Matani Kainuku, Tuarii Traqui and Teura Marakai, was very rewarding and instructive.
I immediately realised, among other things, how the scoring system, which is an exact copy of the Heiva I Tahiti, can sometimes be harmful.
We grade several criteria separately, each of these need to be considered independently of each other: technique, presence, body position, consistency with the text in the case of an aparima, etc.
Each criteria must be regarded as having the same importance.
Scorecards are collected and total points alone decide the results.
None of the criteria are multiplied by a coefficient, which can sometimes lead to amazing results that even the jury itself could come to question.